To Kill a Kingdom by Allie Christo (2018) [featuring a homemade avocado shake that looked better than it tasted lol] DISCLAIMER: I freaking love this book. It's my favorite YA novel of all time. I tweeted about it once (as a rec) and Allie Christo personally replied. I've been fangirling and freaking out internally ever since. This book deserves a blog post because...
Here are some titles that I'm very excited for! You can really tell what my taste is hehe I'll still post 2 book reviews a month but I'm thinking of spicing it up a little bit by posting other hauls and non-review related stuff when I can. I also have a few articles drafted, and I hope you guys will enjoy them! Enemies...
The Crown's Game by Evelyn Sky (2016) [Wow look at me, taking aestheticc photos like I should] Buckle up, folks. This review is going to be a long one. WARNING: THIS REVIEW WILL CONTAIN MY SCATHING PERSONAL OPINION QUICK CATEGORIES Steamy Hatefuck Scale: 1/5 If you're looking for witty banter, exchanges of death threats, or scenes that border on will-they-fight-or-kiss, you will be...