
Favorite Books That Define You

by - August 09, 2019

Wow, two blog posts in one week! I initially scheduled the book review to go this week but... I also really wanted to do this post... anyway.

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Favorite Books That Define You

This is going to be predictable. I'm sorry in advance :)) Here are my favorite books that define me and why... with a bulleted list.

1. CRIMSON BOUND by Rosamund Hodge

  • Historical Little Red Riding Hood retelling that's evocative of Bloodborne? Okay, I'm intrigued.
  • Angry, vengeful female protagonist. I am already in love.
  • Dark flirty prince turns out to be a sexy demon? I'm going to marry this book.
  • Lovecraftian horror of a Big Bad monster? I'M PROPOSING ON MY KNEES
  • Heartbreaking hate-to-love romance? ANGST? I'm whipped.
Everyone on Twitter already knows I love this book because I've been screaming about it for months on end.

2. THE SECRET HISTORY by Donna Tartt

  • Pretentious liberal arts college students? Yes please. I was also a pretentious liberal arts college student so I take great pleasure in it... both played straight and as a satire. 
  • "A morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs."
  • Richard not fitting in at his hometown and realizing he's not meant for that life
  • The desperation for friendship and The Aesthetic
  • Fascinating, heavily flawed characters
  • Just... college students doing dumb things. As I've re-read this novel at various points in my life, my opinion of it has changed each time. I love that flexibility.

3. STRANGE WEATHER IN TOKYO by Hiromi Kawakami

  • Lonely characters fall into a quirky, awkward romance
  • Atmospheric, episodic writing
  • Themes that are characteristic of Japanese literature
  • An ending that just punches you in the face with its grief
I'm a masochist, I guess. I cried my eyes out after reading this.

4. AFTER DARK by Haruki Murakami

  • Late night city life. I'm a city girl and I love this.
  • Isolated, lonely characters.
  • Mysterious, atmospheric vibe
  • Just the hint of a romance... making me want more.

5. SORCERY OF THORNS by Margaret Rogerson

  • A protagonist who LOVES books and can't live without them
  • Snarky love interest who hides his softness behind a prickly exterior
  • Lovable demon sidekick
  • Gorgeously sweet slow burn
  • Beautiful, beautiful prose
  • Redemption and finding your place in the world
Sorcery of Thorns is an ode to anyone who loves books, ergo it's one of my favorites. 

So in summary, I am defined by
  • Lonely, isolated characters
  • Angry girls
  • Byronic heroes (give me your dark princes, your sexy demons, and handsome villains)
  • Slow burn romances
  • Books that give you an existential crisis
Yeah, sounds like me.

How about you? Any similarities? What books define you?

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  1. Ah this is such a fun post, I love it and I love your little lists to explain your picks! I really want to read The Secret History, as well as Sorcery of Thorns, and your little bullet points make me even more impatient to get to them both :D

    1. Thank you! Hehe, I really hope you enjoy those two books because they are AWE-INSPIRING!
