
My Sure Buy Books of 2020

by - January 01, 2020

Happy New Year, everybody! Welcome to 2020. Hope it will be a good one for us all :) Every year is a good year for books, but this new decade is especially exciting!

As of January 2020, I have definitely decided that I am going to purchase these reads:

Vengeful by VE Schwab (Paperback) - Release: 7 January 2020

I've been holding off reading Vengeful because I want my paperbacks to match lol! And I don't mind too much, because the third Villains novel won't come out until 2023, at the earliest. I'm half excited and half scared to read about Eli and Victor again. I know what happens in this book, and while some of it is epic, some of it will also break my heart.

But that's okay. I'm so ready. Give me more of Eli's backstory. Give me more Victor-Sydney-Mitch family shenanigans. Give me more Evervale!

Red Hood by Elana K. Arnold (Hardback) - Release: 25 Feb 2020

Did you say this is a YA dark, dark fantasy fairytale retelling of Little Red Riding Hood but with a feminist angle? Did you just hit all of my favorite spots? Well, I'm breaking my paperbacks-only rule for this. Elana K. Arnold, please do not disappoint!

I've read reviews for her other novels (although I haven't read them myself). Arnold seems like the type of author who writes very raw, unflinchingly dark stories. Some say her stuff is too mature for YA. That must be code for "I'm going to love it" ;)

The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller (Hardback) - Release: 25 Feb 2020

Okay, I am really hoping that the paperback edition will also be released in 2020 but just in case it won't... I don't mind breaking my rule lol. It's a Slytherin romance about a girl who plans to seduce a prince, kill him, and then take the throne. It sounds delectable. Obviously I am a fan of enemies to lovers romances but... a villain x villain romance?? Have I died and gone to heaven? So excited!

Descendant of the Crane by Joan He (Paperback) - Release: 1 May 2020

This YA fantasy seems like an Asian Game of Thrones meets Ace Attorney. Our protagonist has to solve her father's murder while navigating court intrigue. I'm super curious! I used to have a whole thriller/murder mystery phase before I got into fantasy, so I'd love to see those two genres combined. Plus, I'm always a fan of Asian novels!

We Free the Stars by Hafsah Faizal (Paperback) - Release: 7 July 2020

I think We Hunt the Flame was one of the best books of 2019. I definitely voted it as Best Debut Novel on Goodreads. I'm actually glad that this series is just a duology, because there's not much left to wrap up and trilogies have a tendency of getting worse the longer they get along. I have faith in Faizal though. And please let Zafira and Nasir be happy together. My sweet grumpy babies. Truly, We Hunt the Flame has one of the best YA fantasy enemies-to-lovers stories of all time.

Blood Heir by Amelie Wen Zhao (Paperback) - Release: Already released

So, this novel might be infamous for its controversy. From the moment I read Zhao's story, I knew that I wanted to support her. Plus, the blurb is downright fascinating and I've heard good reviews on Twitter! It's an Anastasia retelling in a fantasy world. The author, who is Chinese, explores issues like human trafficking from an Asian lens. I also read the first chapter and hyped myself up... I sense this will destroy any reading slumps that come my way next year.

Kingdom of the Wicked by Kerri Maniscalco (???) - Release: ???

I am a huge fan of the Stalking Jack the Ripper series so I'm stoked that Maniscalco has decided to venture into fantasy! This is also an enemies to lovers book starring a witch out for revenge and a demon who needs to find a bride. 

Well, that's my list... for now. I bet my bookshelves will be overflowing again even before the year ends :)) How about you guys? Are some of these books on your to-read list too? What are your sure buys of 2020?

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