Well Met by Jen DeLuca (2019) Well Met is a contemporary adult hate to love romance that features an English teacher and an English major drop-out against the backdrop of a summer Renaissance Fair. I rated it 5/5 stars. What is Well Met about? All's faire in love and war for two sworn enemies who indulge in a harmless flirtation in a laugh-out-loud rom-com from...
Crossover YA Books That Will Appeal to Adult Fans
February 04, 2020 / BY Frankie
The words "YA novel" and "adult novel" might conjure some stereotypes in your head, but the truth is that these categories are very broad... and mainly used as marketing. Sure, YA novels and adult novels may have different styles, audiences, and content thresholds, but that doesn't mean that they can't overlap! It's not about your age as a reader. It's just about your...